Wynd App

The Wynd mobile application pairs with a set of smart air quality sensors and purifiers. The app shows air composition, sends personal recommendations, and controls devices.


Lead Designer


Product Team


Design system
Experience design

  • Target customers

    Asthma/allergy sufferers
    Polluted area residents
    New parents

  • Needs

    What is the current air quality?
    How to react to serious issues?
    How to optimize air quality?

Design System

Functionality, Usability, and Branding

For the first generation Wynd products, our team has focused on three major principles. Functionality makes sure that we can deliver the promises that we've been promoting on crowdsourcing platforms; usability creates the seamless experience to help users complete product explorations, and branding reinforces the trust between customers and Wynd.

Experience design

User Journey

Combining raw sensor data from Wynd sensor with contextual data from the cloud, Wynd app can tell users what they are breathing and recommend actions to help you stay healthy. Although Wynd dynamic duo has all other revolutionary features, user onboarding and pairing device are the top priority tasks for the V1 launch.


Pairing Devices


Giving the context for a project and clearly showing different solutions with their pros and cons helps teammates and peers give better feedback and feel more confident that you’ve explored all possible solutions. Additionally, guiding and leveraging the feedback is a huge challenge to designers since we constantly share our work with both designers and non-designers. I also learned which feedback to take and which to pass on.

